Like other seasonal transitions, the autumnal equinox is celebrated in cultures around the world. The word means 'equal night' in Latin, because day and night appear to be of the same length. Libra's emphasis on balance aligns with the equinox itself. September 22 is the beginning of Libra season, ushering in a focus on harmony, balance, justice, and relationships. The fall equinox also has astrological significance.
The fall equinox marks the halfway point between the summer solstice on Jand the winter solstice on December 21, 2021.
They happen twice a year: In March to mark the beginning of spring, and in September for autumn (the reverse is true in the Southern Hemisphere). The Most Delicious Fall-Scented CandlesĮquinoxes occur when the Sun sits directly above the equator.September's Full Harvest Moon Is Calling You.